Elephantiasis Disease (Filariasis)

                                                Video : Elephantiasis Disease

     Disease elephantiasis or filariasis is a disease caused
by filarial worms are transmitted by various species of mosquitoes.
Elephantiasis is characterized by the gross enlargement of a limb or
areas of the trunk or head. There is an abnormal accumulation of
watery fluid in the tissues (edema) causing severe swelling
Indeed, this disease is not a deadly disease.
this disease is a chronic, and classified
infectious diseases.

     Filariasis can be transmitted by 23 species of the genus Anopheles mosquito,
Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres.
A person declared a filariasis patient, if in his blood
found microfilariae.

     The life cycle of filarial worms can occur when a mosquito bites and
suck the blood of people afflicted by filariasis.
Furthermore, patients with microfilariae contained body part sucked
into the mosquito's body.
The microfilariae into the mosquito wrapping supplies.
Then penetrates the stomach wall and lodged between the
pectoral muscle.
Form that resembles a sausage called microfilariae first-stage larvae.
They grew fatter and longer in less more
one week and then it will change its larval skin.
This condition is called second-stage larvae.
On the tenth day onwards the larvae will change
skin again for a second time. they become longer and
more active. This is the third-stage larvae.
can result in permanent disability in the form
enlargement on the human body, usually the legs, arms and even
the genitals. If not treated immediately

     The disease is quite common in India, Bangladesh,
Indonesia, Thailand, Africa, the Pacific and the Americas.
Can occur in men and women.

Symptoms of the disease elephantiasis (filariasis) usually can be:
++ Repeated fever for 3-5 days, fever may be lost when a break
     and came back after working hard.
++ Swollen lymph nodes in the groin area and some even
     to rupture and ooze pus and blood.
++ Armpit that looks red, feels hot and sore.
++ Enlargement of the legs, arms, breasts, testicles that look somewhat
     redness and was hot.

     In 2003 suggests that the common antibiotic doxycycline might be
effective in the treatment of lymphatic diseases.
Parasites are responsible for the elephant has a population of
symbiotic bacteria, Wolbachia, which live in the worm.
When the symbiotic bacteria were killed by the antibiotic, the
worms themselves also die.
Clinical trial by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in
June 2005 reported that eight-week course almost completely
eliminated microfilariaemia.

Prevention can be done by distancing themselves from
bites of mosquitoes that act as transmitters.
Start getting a clean lifestyle.

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