Recognizing cancer as early as possible

         Cancer is a term used in a disease. Explained that the cancer is when 
         abnormal cells reproduce by dividing uncontrollably and 
         spread and invade healthy tissue.

         Cancer in our lives seen as a terrible disease because the average cancer patient is 
         too late to determine the presence of cancer in their bodies. 
         Lack of individual knowledge about this disease also affects the malignancy of 
         this disease. So, recognize the cancer as early as possible.

        Here are some references to our learning in order to detect cancer early.
        Symptoms of cancer symptoms

              A. Common symptoms, arise depending on the type or organs affected are:
        Pain may occur as a result of widespread tumor pressing surrounding
        nerves and blood vessels, immune and inflammatory reactions against growing cancers,
        and pain is also caused by fear or anxiety.
        Bleeding or unusual discharge, such as saliva, coughing or vomiting blood, 
        persistent nosebleeds, nipple fluid that contains blood, 
        bloody fluid hole intercourse (between menstrual / menopause) blood in the stool,
        blood in the urine.
        Changes in bowel habits
        Losing weight quickly due to lack of fat and protein (kaheksia)
        Lumps in the breast
        Digestive disorders, such as difficulty swallowing continuously.
        Deafness, or a voice - a voice in the ear that persisted.
        Wounds that do not heal
        Changes in moles or skin of the striking

         B. Specific symptoms, based on the type of cancer experienced by:
        Headaches in the morning and decrease at midday, epilepsy, weakness, 
        numbness in arms and legs, difficulty walking, drowsiness, 
        abnormal changes in vision,changes in personality, changes in memory,
         it is difficult to    speak.
        -Oral cancer
         There are canker sores in the mouth, tongue and gums that do not heal.
        -Throat Cancer
         Persistent cough, hoarseness or husky.
        Cough continued - again, sputum mixed with blood, pain in the chest.
         A lump, thickening of the skin (tickening), changes in shape, itching - itching, redness, 
         pain not associated with breastfeeding or menstruating.
         Digestive-tract cancer
         The presence of blood in the feces marked with bright red or black, 
         malaise continues
         -constantly on the stomach, lump in the abdomen, 
           pain after eating,
           weight loss.
           Cancer-Rahim (the uterus)
          In the period of bleeding - a period of months to come, when menses pain extravasation   unusual and extraordinary.
-Ovarian cancer (ovarian)
At the next stage before symptoms appear.
Bleeding in the blood, rectum in the stool, changes in bowel movements (diarrhea bowel movement persistent or difficult).
-Bladder or Kidney Cancer
There was blood in the pain, urine or burning during urination, frequency or difficulty urinating, pain in the bladder.
prostate cancer
Urine is not smooth, continuous pain in the back waist, penis and upper thigh.
-Cancer scrotal / testicular
A lump in the scrotum, scrotal size reservoirs in pain suddenly enlarged and thickened, in the lower abdomen, breasts are enlarged or tender.
Enlarged lymph nodes, chewy, itching - itching, sweating at night time sleeping fever, or weight loss for no apparent reason.
Pale chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleeds.
-Skin Cancer
Lumps on the skin that resemble warts (hardened like a horn), an infection that does not heal - heal, the spots change color and size, pain in certain areas, skin discoloration spots.
A frequent complication in cancer patients is an infection in people with advanced cancer. Infections caused by deficiency of protein and other nutrients as well as immune system suppression that often occurs after conventional treatment.

     From the above reference, hopefully we can take corrective action if one day you, your family, friends, neighbors have symptoms of cancer symptoms.

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